As we arrive at this time of endings and new beginnings, I have been in deep contemplation, seeking to understand what is going on in the world around us, and wondering about our human station, as we mourn twenty young children, and six of their teachers, from Newtown, Connecticut. Blessings upon them, their parents, their teachers, families and friends, and all of us. They have served well, reminding us in unbearable sacrifice of themselves, of the truth and what matters, and moving us to take action now and do what we need to do, to be our best selves, in the fullness of the best that is … [Read more...]
A Winter Solstice Gift
As we approach the Winter Solstice, and a season of many holiday celebrations, I wish you the blessings of PEACE COMFORT JOY LOVE LAUGHTER GOOD HEALTH May your house prosper in all ways. Please enjoy these links to excellent lists of the best spiritual books and films of 2011: The Most Spiritually Literate Films of 2011 Thank you Frederic and Mary Ann Brussat for reviewing and preparing these lists! You may follow Frederic and Mary Ann at … [Read more...]
Why Do We Choose Life?
I have a new granddaughter, a 6-pound bundle of perfect incarnation, not yet 2 weeks old. As I hold her I am not only reminded of the ineffable wonder of creation that produces a new life, but I have also been contemplating the why of it, why we souls become embodied. Why do we choose this physical experience? Why are we here? Many traditions teach that we come into life to learn, to develop ourselves and our ability to love and serve, to express compassion and to understand truth and integrity. Human incarnation--our visceral physical presence-- allows us the experiences of ego and … [Read more...]