As we approach the Winter Solstice, and a season of many holiday celebrations, I wish you the blessings of PEACE COMFORT JOY LOVE LAUGHTER GOOD HEALTH May your house prosper in all ways. Please enjoy these links to excellent lists of the best spiritual books and films of 2011: The Most Spiritually Literate Films of 2011 Thank you Frederic and Mary Ann Brussat for reviewing and preparing these lists! You may follow Frederic and Mary Ann at … [Read more...]
It Is About Being
You never know where or when or how a little insight might find its way into your consciousness. And sometimes it comes in the least likely places. I had just such an experience recently, while I was traveling in France. This is a true story of human nature, of love and regret, of life and experience, and of hope and comfort. It was such a touching encounter, I was moved to write about it as it unfolded. Thus it is written in the present tense. I want to share it with you. I am on the train from Cannes to Paris, and while the countryside is captivating, the story going on in the seat "en … [Read more...]
Building a World Wide Wave
There is great movement taking place—and I am sure many of you have felt it, perhaps without understanding even that you have felt it or exactly what you are feeling. The last several months have been especially challenging for many. This is a time of transition, and transition is most always uncomfortable. But transition heralds change, and positive change is what we look towards now. Many of my colleagues also involved in spiritual practice, teaching, writing, and mentoring report perceptions very similar to my own at this time: many of us now experience an increased inner awareness of … [Read more...]
Freedom and Unconditional Love
As I sit by my window, snowbound in New England, I have been thinking about love. We have moved past the frenetic holiday rush and settled into the steadiness of winter, watching each day lengthen into more daylight (not dark 'til 5 now), bringing the promise of Spring. Eventually. Meanwhile, love beckons. What is love? What is its true meaning? How can we each best express love in this short, sweet life? What does it mean to love unconditionally? Love is the expression outward from your center of your expanded self, your soul, your spirit, the unique spark of life and creativity … [Read more...]