Do you know your “true north”? Or how to find it? True north is a navigational direction based on the Earth’s axis. Magnetic north—the north a compass needle points to—deviates from true north over time and from place to place because the earth's magnetic poles are not fixed in relation to its axis. True north is fixed and certain. But the “true north” that I am referring to is your personal navigation marker, the one based on your own inner axis—that is, your alignment with your true, authentic self. This is the pointer that allows you to successfully find the way in your life, and … [Read more...]
Declare Your Independence!
Do you remember who you are? As we turn to July 4th and celebrate the declaration of freedom, I am reminded that political independence is necessarily founded upon a deeply held value of personal independence. It is your birthright to be your unique self. By self, I mean you in all your aspects, inner and outer, full and strong and beautiful and wholly integrated. This seems such a simple statement. Yet, we face all sorts of obstruction, much of it well meaning, that nevertheless suppresses our abilities to thrive in “full-selfness” and be and give from our individuality and our … [Read more...]