As we move through tumultuous times, I have been thinking about how we venture forward together. In these times of national divisiveness when our friends and neighbors and families may subscribe to views of truth and reality that are often not only inconsistent with our own, but diametrically opposed, how do we avoid conflict? More importantly, how do we engage in loving receptivity? How do we come together—and hopefully stay together? I think the answer lies in how we look at our relationships—what we focus on. It is important not to get lost in our differences, seeing them as ties that … [Read more...]
Coping With Darkness Without Conceding
We have now spent most of this year facing the physical, economic, emotional and psychological threats and consequences of the COVID pandemic, along with the parallel crises of social upheaval and protest against the inequities of racial injustice, and the ever heightened polarization of our divided nation as we watch the sacred tenets of our American experiment in democracy attacked and depreciated on a nearly daily basis. We are all exhausted. We are indeed navigating a very difficult time. I feel and hear and know the anxiety and the loss that so many of you experience. I want to … [Read more...]
Finding Calm in the Storm
This last year has been and continues to be a challenging time for everyone. I have been giving some thought to what we can each do to maintain our own energy--and energy hygiene--so that we may stand each in our strength and integrity, and support ourselves and others. We each hold the possibility, and the opportunity, to make positive change, and it can happen in simple and subtle ways. It can be summed up as: share your self light. This of course means that first you need to recognize and nurture your own light. And how do we do this when we are stressed by outside events and … [Read more...]
Coping With Conflict All Around Us
We are overwhelmed at this time with conflict and suffering: internationally and at home, political, racial, economic, environmental...and I have been silently observing and wondering how to address all this. Today I read a thoughtful piece by David Spangler that offers some sage suggestions on how to cope with the onslaught, and I am moved to share his perspective with you. Thank you, David. The Spirit Amongst Us By David Spangler These are heart-heavy days. Nearly every day, the media bring us news of more suffering, more deaths, more anguish in the world. One … [Read more...]
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