This last year has been and continues to be a challenging time for everyone. I have been giving some thought to what we can each do to maintain our own energy–and energy hygiene–so that we may stand each in our strength and integrity, and support ourselves and others.
We each hold the possibility, and the opportunity, to make positive change, and it can happen in simple and subtle ways. It can be summed up as: share your self light.
This of course means that first you need to recognize and nurture your own light. And how do we do this when we are stressed by outside events and influences?
I don’t often write about it in this forum, but I have for many years connected with inner contacts that share insight from another perspective, always with a view towards collaboration for our joint benefit and well being. Over the last few weeks I have received the following very good advice from my inner network, and I want to share it with you.
“Light is creative force for good. But it must be channeled appropriately and applied. It does not passively serve, it collaborates with implementing actors. Light, which is the same as love, is the medium of creation. Incarnation is a powerful means of employing and expressing this medium. Human incarnation is a complex, masterful manifestation of intention, and its greatest possibility is the fulfillment of the intention to conduct, express and expand light, that is, love, to shape solutions and develop new futures.
At this time in human history, you have lost sight of this creative power and possibility, distracted by so much noise and distortion in the field.
Remember who and what you are. You are, in truth, physical manifestations of love intention, physical instruments for processing and delivering love and light through your being. Or perhaps it is more accurate to say through your beingness. Or you could say presence.
But this is not a matter of simply being present.
No, it requires more. Just as an electric lamp has the capacity to light a room, assuming it is connected to its power source, so you have the ability to light the sphere around you, and, indeed beyond. But before the lamp can illuminate the room, its switch must be turned on. And so it is with you and your incarnational species: to move light from Source into your surrounding world you must first activate yourself.
How to do that, you ask?
By choosing to do it, and then acting on that decision.
The practice of inner attunement to your source is needed more now than ever. Connect through your knowing recognition and feeling resonance into that awareness, actually a memory and an experience, of original love.
This means taking a moment on a regular basis to feel and remember.
If you and many others commit to this engagement, the flow of healing and helpful light will open, much like increasing the volume of water that flows through a pipe as the valve is opened.
We on this side are feeling somewhat frustrated and limited in how to be of greater support, primarily because we have greater capacity, flow if you will, than the planet is opening to at this time.
We see that there is massive distraction and accompanying lack of focus among you now. But we also see a certain doubt or misunderstanding about how to work with us. It has the effect of distorting our communication bandwidths, a kind of misalignment of channels between us and your people.
Part of what is occurring is discordance, and cacophony of discordant frequencies. The Earth is in a transformative movement at this time, and part of the change that is occurring is in the frequencies of perception and communication. There is a re-banding of the waves and frequencies of attunement, and as the adjustments are occurring, but not yet made, there is a great deal of static and distortion. And noise.
We are having difficulty breaking through that sound barrier.
Each individual has the ability and capacity to increase the harmonics, thereby broadening and growing the adjusted, new channels. This can be done most simply by individual intention and attention to quiet inner balance and contact.
A new form of Earth and human consciousness is in development now. Individual attention to this creation is the greatest tool at your disposal. The awareness of this process you are undergoing, and engagement in it, is essential to building the new field.
To do your parts, turn inward as a regular practice. Such inner attunement with the building resonance is best achieved by finding your own inner filament of light.
One of the effects of “going within” is it necessarily distances you, and anyone who practices it, from the staccato, choppy thought patterns you entrain with through the use of digital devices.
Neural pathways and brain chemistry and function are rapidly changing in your environment. This is a treacherous passage for human brain process and thought. Much of the distortion experienced now is amplified by the lagging adaptation surrounding changing brain biology and function.
To be sure, there are numerous causes of the distortion, but the cognitive processes now in transition are making it difficult for humans to clearly recognize and formulate responses to the other disrupting factors.
It is as if human brains are learning a new language, one totally unfamiliar. As in learning any language, there is confusion initially as the ear fails to recognize the sounds and the mind cannot assign meaning to the new sounds. But there comes a point when the cognitive process clicks in and Ah-ha, words start to make sense, and soon thereafter small sentences become comprehensible and then paragraphs, and so on. Until the mind adapts to the new language, the sounds of words and phrases make no sense, and even sound discordant.
This is one aspect of where you find yourselves at this juncture: immersed in an onslaught of fast paced incoming signals and pulses of information, but without yet having developed a baseline capacity of how to process this form of information.
It is especially important in this situation to pause and take breaks from that onslaught! It is as much a biological imperative as a consciousness practice that as many of you as possible settle inward as often as possible. It is as essential to your health and wellbeing as sleep, and works in much the way dreams clear extraneous bits and pieces of brain activity on a nightly basis.”
Take time to get quiet, to disconnect from all the busy-ness and noise around you, and feel into your inner self, and appreciate who you are, what you are, and that you are here as a unique ray of light.
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