This last year has been and continues to be a challenging time for everyone. I have been giving some thought to what we can each do to maintain our own energy--and energy hygiene--so that we may stand each in our strength and integrity, and support ourselves and others. We each hold the possibility, and the opportunity, to make positive change, and it can happen in simple and subtle ways. It can be summed up as: share your self light. This of course means that first you need to recognize and nurture your own light. And how do we do this when we are stressed by outside events and … [Read more...]
Inner Partnership
We live in a time when many are unaware of, or doubt, the reality of unseen consciousness and the ability we each have to access it. But sometimes, extraordinary events occur that cause even the most skeptical to pause and reconsider. Here is a remarkable—and true--story of one woman’s inner contact with her ancestors that recently resulted in her winning a half million-dollar MacArthur Foundation “genius” grant! Meet Jessie Little Doe Baird, a member of the Wampanoag Tribe in Massachusetts. (The Wampanoag were the first Native Americans to meet the Puritans when they arrived in the … [Read more...]
Declare Your Independence!
Do you remember who you are? As we turn to July 4th and celebrate the declaration of freedom, I am reminded that political independence is necessarily founded upon a deeply held value of personal independence. It is your birthright to be your unique self. By self, I mean you in all your aspects, inner and outer, full and strong and beautiful and wholly integrated. This seems such a simple statement. Yet, we face all sorts of obstruction, much of it well meaning, that nevertheless suppresses our abilities to thrive in “full-selfness” and be and give from our individuality and our … [Read more...]
In the Spring Garden
These are the days when my garden bursts with life and color and fragrance. Daffodils yet bloom, though fading, alongside heavily perfumed grape hyacinth. Phlox have been putting on a show for nearly three weeks now. Pansies, parsley and lettuce share common ground in harmony. The viburnum is still fragrant, lilacs early and lush, wisteria opening. What a delight to be present for such an extravaganza of creation. But in truth, we are not merely present, we are collaborators! We live in a wondrous universe of co-creative force and possibility and we can and should and do work … [Read more...]