Creation begins at home.
We are each and all participants in creating our world. We put together lives and partnerships and settings, seeded with intention, expressing our selves into our environments, presenting who we are as individuals. As we do this, often without great attention, we not only build a sense of home, both inner and outer, but we are also projecting our selves, the expression of our personal truth, into the world.
So, the first place to begin in creating the world you would like to see is with your self. More precisely, through your embodied “Self”: the physical, human expression of your truest, authentic, original you, in all your unique full Selfness.
Think about the qualities you would like to see on this Earth, and embody those in yourself. Love. Peace. Strength. Beauty. Truth.
It is not as hard as you might think. Start simply. Find a feeling of delight, a place where you can feel an inner smile begin to unfold. Perhaps this lies in a memory dearly held, or in observing the unbounded joy of a small child, an ice cream cone in summer, or in smelling a rose. Feel into yourself, and remember what lights you up.
That little glow of inner light, even if fleeting, is like an ember that can grow into an ever greater source of inner light as you tend to it, breaking into full out radiance as you continue to tend to it, to your sovereign being– to your presence of love infinite.
When this inner light shines, the world is a better place.
Every so often we are reminded through the life of another of our own potential as great illuminating influences for growth and positive living, being, and loving.
Dr. Margaret Smith is just such a role model. I never met her, but when I heard of her sudden and unexpected death two weeks ago, I was immediately struck and deeply touched by her great big soul. Here is a woman who embodied the traits of love and generosity and radiance we need so much. She was a light unto herself, and effective in spreading that light to others, in touching others and generating more of the same in everyone who came within her field of influence. And that field was not limited by time or space!
Dr. Smith lived, embodied, love as the first value, and it emanated from her as from a beacon. Fittingly, she always signed her correspondence and cards and notes with the phrase “Love Infinity”. What a beautiful and overt extension of love into the world—an ongoing act of support and healing that went beyond her considerable skills as a doctor. This was a woman who innately understood the concept of inner activism, and consciously sent her love and joy out to others.
For more about Dr. Smith, go to
Love Infinity.
Todd Smith says
Thanks for featuring my mom here, Susan. Your words are reinspiring me to contemplate her life.